Saturday, December 17, 2011


So I have had my first encounter with Thai government hospital ,that was much better
then expected. I went there because they have the only once a week specialist coming.
It start with a coupon that are started to be handed out from 06.00  after that you go to check in that starts at 07.00 you tell the name and all the others plus what is ailing you.
You will be told to go to a numbered room where they weight and blood pressure test you. Then a nurse comes and start sorting your numbers and if you are there on a follow up , you go according to your number then us first timers even though we might have a lower number , democracy. The Dr. comes around 08.00 in my case a female about 35 years and gave me confidence. Best of all she took time 10-15 min. with me I though gov. hospital in an out like a factory  no they took their time even though it was full house. From what I saw of the hospital very clean even toilets and modern, a small coffee shop corner . I have to go again so a bit more to come.
Second visit was even better plus my ailment have been 66% cured.

This is about the cat Medic I was there with my kitten to be sprayed , no it is my baby I was told by the Vet and paper work just the same as for me funny enough the only of the particular I knew was birth and weight because I was there and I weighed it because it had to be at least 4 month and 2 kilos.
I was told that I had a heavy baby at 2.4 kg.  4 months and 18 days.
I had to sign a form of consent and I did not believe it and the vet told me stories what happened in her early career, so that’s why. Now first day is prepping or whatever it is called making my baby in to a junkie to calm and  relaxed for the knife tomorrow morning. I am allowed to visit both first and second day after the butchery have taken place and maybe she has to stay an extra day all added to the bill which is more then mine.
By the way my baby has a name No.2 , No 1 is home with Cat the mother.
 Now I have been back to take out the sutures and that was easy.
The Vet also do lodgings if you want to go on a vacation or something.
I even got the family plan which is 3 cats at 10$ a night  single occupancy is 5%

Mission control have gotten a pretty nifty gadget a Syndome Extreme Series  UPS
Quite heavy stuff even though it only a small one a bit expensive but cheaper then the equipment it is connected to. We have these silly cuts less then a minute every now and then so there it comes in very handy, if it is longer I shut everything off.

The car is my neighbors favorite they bought lottery ticket using my registration number , so either they want me to keep the car or get a new one.

Last night it was a Lunar eclipse.
I heard a little bit of noise that increased , banging on plastic and metal drums
After awhile firecrackers not them small ones but big  bangers I did not know that it was for the eclipse . I though I was in the Village of the Condemned .Afterwards I read in the paper that superstitious people will scare away a guy called Rahu or something like it.