Saturday, March 3, 2012


Still quite cool. Funny is that the Orchid likes it and are flowering and they last for a long time.
Last month I wrote this “The car is my neighbors favorite they bought lottery ticket using my registration number , so either they want me to keep the car or get a new one.” This draw the my number was the winning lottery tickets last 3 digits , it must be a good car. In three months have won three times small sums yet winning.
Is been cold for me I don’t like it this cold then in the end of march it’s going to be to warm . So I am hard to please or I am grumpy because Santa did not come I hope he just forgot .I took matters in my own hands and bought an

Which I am very pleased with and it mainly for reading books because they are hard to get hold of around here and it economical. If I would buy 38 hard cover books that would be the same price. It’s plenty a free book and also you can borrow from friends.
Can do what a computer can do for me ,Email reading papers , magazine and a lot
Of Apps are available to many actually.

The cat are growing up and are really good went to BKK in February for 5 days and the cats took care of themselves . They got a big bowl of cat food and that was it.
They don’t eat so they explode they only eat what they need.
I used to like BKK a lot but now it’s to big and fast for me , the only thing is that they have everything much more so then here
In the garden everything is sprouting and growing now I am beginning to know what to do specially when it comes to trimming bushes and trees and I have learned that it can take a few years before you get a big bush to look the way you want it to.

I am still biking about 4-9 kilometer a day depending on weather and mood.
Otherwise it’s not much I do, retired you see. We have had to small rains so far.

We had our first morning over 20C on the 29 of February I check every morning between 5-6. that’s what you to when you get old and nothing else to do.
I forgot I also sit and watch people at the supermarket because here where I live there are not to many.