Friday, November 30, 2012



Winter has started at least night time. Day time is still summer warm mainly because of clear skies . Oddly enough the month is endin with three  four heavy rains which is unusual at this time of the year .
The weathermen are predict more to come, but the good thing it is very hard and quick.
One part of the garden  is staring to bloom and the other is going to sleep. My fish in the pond have not gotten used to colder water so they are not that eager eat but they are getting along OK.
Maybe not so much the two cat teams my cats and the new settlers mainly hisses and a few jabs more squabbles then anything else.
This has been animal month two snakes one mouse and several lizards.
Only two snakes have I found myself the others the cats  located ,I amazed that I  have only gotten two mice in two years time .
Mice and the lizards are always brought into the house as trophies and toys you be amazed how high they flick them up in the air and then dive at them when they land. I am going to BKK in two days time , it is almost a year since last time . It is confusing there they have to many things that you want specially food wise and you can not buy all of it , that is probably the draw back living in the forest.
Anyway I going to IKEA and buy some furniture , you have to have a hobby and IKEA furniture is that . It is going to take awhile to screw it together.

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